Networking Update 3.8.7

Networking Update 3.9.5 will fix every bug in this devlog.


  • Made bullets network objects so they are now spawned on both the host and the client screen, although they are not entirely synced since they aren't currently set to be predicted by the client.


  • Player movement works now!
  • Camera works now! Player names will work now but only if you were in the game when another player joins, otherwise every other player that joined before you will not have their name appear.

Game Breaking Bugs:

  • Camera gets fricked when another player joins.
  • Permissions get clapped when another player joins I broke everything.
  • Gun rotation isn't synced so when somebody is shooting on one screen, they are shooting in a different direction on the other screen.


  • Gun rotation is sort of synced but not really.
  • The bullets get spawned in by the network but since they don't have client prediction the client can only see the bullets themselves every once in a while and it's weird.
  • Bullets despawn on a local timer and not networked seconds so they will despawn at a different time for everyone.
  • There's no host migration yet so when the host leaves everything freezes.
  • Player names aren't synced yet so everyone will just have the name you put into the input field.


  • Fix Gun rotation syncing.
  • Host migration  --  Not a priority
  • Network sync player names
  • Add in respawn points
  • Add in Shotgun
  • Add in Submachine Gun
  • Fix Camera
  • Add a network timer to the bullets so they'll stay on the screen for the same amount of time as everyone else.
  • Add in stabilize mechanic for sniper rifles.

Files Play in browser
Sep 19, 2022

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